We are closing in on Halloween, the celebration in remembrance of those loved ones lost. But the theme for the actual celebration nowadays is more along the lines of horror, spiders and pumpkins. As the autumn is becoming darker and darker still, I would recommend taking advantage of the possibility of creating decorations with lights.
The Jack-o-lantern is a common sight at Halloween. It is also a perfect piece to build an art installation from. By putting a tealight inside the pumpkin you will also benefit from the added effect of fire. A perfect setting for letting your creativity roam free!
Decorating Outside
The pumpkin head, or Jack-o-lantern, is a commonplace decoration at Halloween. It is simple to make, all you need is a fairly large pumpkin, a sharp knife and a spoon. Cut off the top of the pumpkin and use the spoon to remove all seeds and some of the pulp. Leave between ½ and 1 inch of pulp to make the walls stable. Then use your knife to make holes in a pattern you like. When you are satisfied, place a tealight inside the pumpkin and place the lid back. Voilà!
With a little bit of creative thinking, you can expand your pumpkin head to an installation. Place the pumpkin together with a few other objects such as stones, branches, smaller pumpkins, plants or a stool. Use your imagination and create a scene rather than just placing the pumpkin at your doorstep.
Inside Decorations
If you do not fancy the whole cobweb and spider-theme decoration that is readily available at many of the stores, it is easy to make decorations yourself.
Create a still life using items from your garden. A branch from a tree, a few multicoloured leaves and perhaps a couple of small pumpkins or red apples is a beautiful combination. Heather is also a lovely plant this time of year.
If you have lanterns with glass sides, simply transform them into seasonal lights by adding small black bats created from tape to the glass sides.
Mummy lanterns are simple to make on your own. Use a glass mason jar or an empty marmalade jar as a base. Then add cheese cloth, not too orderly, and a pair of googly eyes to finish it.