Some people call lettering calligraphy, but the two are not quite the same. For example, calligraphy is done with a brush while lettering is normally done with a pen. However, both terms refer to the art of writing beautifully.
Lettering is a simpler version of calligraphy. The basics of lettering are really easy to learn and understand, but hard to master. Just the way I like challenges to be set up. And on top, you get to buy lots of lettering pens!
The Basics of Lettering
As I said, the basics are really easy to understand. Think about how you write letters. They all consist of downstrokes, where you make a line from top to bottom, and upstrokes, where the line is drawn from top to bottom. Ok? Ok!
Now, when you are doing lettering, all downstrokes should be made thick, and all upstrokes thin. This is normally done by applying more pressure on the downstroke, and less pressure on the upstroke. That’s it. Really. Sounds easy, doesn’t it? Well, try it and you will notice that it is easier said than done.
Once you know the basics, the real fun begins. Embellishing your texts! But first – practice the basics.
Equipment You Will Need
As I am sure you realise already, different pens will give you different results when using them for lettering. What kind of pen you should use will therefore depend on the result you are looking for.
Felt brush tip pens are the classic lettering pens. The felt tip is very frail, and it is almost like a small brush. The resulting lettering is very beautiful with clear differences between the thick and thin lines. However, the technique with felt brush tip pens are kind of hard to master, so you will have to practice a lot. Also, to coarse paper will ruin the tips for you so make sure to use good quality paper.
You can also use other felt tip pens. Try for example broad-tipped markers, and compare with small-tipped ones.
A Few Things to Think About
Well, first of all – do not expect to be great at lettering the first time you try it! It really is a lot harder than it seems, and it takes a lot of practice to be good at. Practice makes, well, maybe not perfect, but at least better.
Then, take your time when lettering. Write slowly. Don’t rush to “get it done with”. Think of it as an art form, where you are releasing your creativity. Allow it to take time, and try to really focus on what you are doing when lettering.